Status updates
Week 9

This is the status update for stc (opens in a new tab), the new TypeScript type checker written in Rust.



Stats {
    required_error: 4237 => 4291,
    matched_error: 5647 => 5814,
    extra_error: 735 => 1118,
    panic: 71 => 29,

This is the diff for the commit used for previous status update (opens in a new tab) and the last commit on 1/15 (opens in a new tab). We changed the way we count the number of errors to make it represent the actual progress more closely.



There were lots of Contributions this week. Thank you!

Noticable changes

Change the way we count errors (#487 (opens in a new tab))

There are matrix tests in the test suite of tsc. Those tests have one input, but have multiple results, depending on the directives like @target: es5, es2015, esnext. Previously, we counted them as one test. But we now count the matrix tests, which has multiple result, once per the result. That's the main reason why the number of extra_error increased.

Remove panic (#468 (opens in a new tab), #493 (opens in a new tab))

We replaced panic! calls with Unimplemented errors to make the stats more accurate.